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Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils: A Must for Medicine Cabinets

Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils

There are so many essential oils out there that it can be hard to choose which ones are best for you. While it’s true there are many benefits to essential oils, each with its own distinct chemical makeup, it is completely false that you can’t utilize a few to get good results. Confining one oil to one issue is like believing you can only walk with one pair of shoes. It’s also not practical, affordable, or feasible for our budgets. So what do you do if you’re on a limited budget, want to have a few on hand that you can use for almost anything, and don’t want to get overwhelmed by too much too soon? It’s simple. Start with peppermint and lavender essential oils. These are two essential oils that work for almost every health issue, and they’re a great place to start when it comes to natural remedies. So let’s dive into these top two essential oils that you should keep handy in your medicine cabinet.



Peppermint oil is one of the most popular essential oils due to its versatility. It has been used for thousands of years for everything from pain relief, headaches, nausea, and muscle cramps to heartburn, indigestion, bad breath, and colic.  Nowadays, peppermint is used for a variety of ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), digestive issues, sinus infections, and more. Aromatherapy experts rely on peppermint oil as a dependable remedy for treating colds and coughs, boosting mental clarity, and decreasing stress levels.


How to use peppermint oil


Colds and sinus congestion:

  • Massage 2-3 drops of diluted peppermint oil onto your chest, or create a homemade vapor rub using peppermint with coconut oil.
  • By adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your humidifier (check with humidifier requirements), you can help ease congestion.
  • Try steaming with peppermint essential oil to help with breathing. Fill a metal or glass bowl with steaming hot water and add 2 -3 drops of essential oil. Place a towel over your head, and bring your face no more than 12 inches away from the bowl while you inhale the steam.


  • Simply inhale peppermint oil directly from the bottle.
  • Drink peppermint tea.
  • Rub 1 -2 drops of diluted peppermint oil behind your ears.


  • To reduce headache and pressure, massage a mixture of peppermint oil on your temples, forehead, and above the sinuses as well as behind the neck for relaxation.
  • Use peppermint oil in an aromatherapy diffuser.

Relieve stress and anxiety: 

  • Use a diffuser to create a calming atmosphere and inhale the scent of peppermint oil.
  • Mix 1 – 2 drops of peppermint essential oil into a warm bath to help relieve stiffness.

Muscles soreness:  

  • Peppermint essential oil, when used in combination with massage oils, has the amazing advantage of being able to improve circulation on the surface of your skin. It opens up pores and relieves tired muscles and joints by giving a warming and calming sensation.
  • Add 5 drops to a warm bath with Epsom salt.
  • Try a homemade muscle rub with coconut oil.



Lavender is another powerhouse of an oil that’s relatively inexpensive and has numerous uses. It is known for its calming properties and is a scent often used as a sleep aid. Lavender oil can also be used as a stress reliever and has been known to help ease anxiety and depression. In fact, there are over 500 studies on lavender showing its potential effectiveness for pain, PMS, postpartum depression, infections, and hyperactivity. Additionally, this oil can help heal cuts and scrapes, making it perfect to have on hand if you ever find yourself in need of some quick first aid.


How to use lavender oil


Sleep aid:

  • Diffuse lavender in your bedroom for around half an hour, or add a few drops to a cotton ball that you put near your pillow.
  • Inhale lavender directly from the bottle.
  • Mist your pillows with a lavender linen spray. 
  • Rub lavender oil onto the soles of your feet.

Ease anxiety and depression:

  • Take a few drops of diluted lavender oil, rub them between your palms, and then deeply inhale their calming aroma.
  • Rub your feet, temples, or wrists with diluted lavender oil for an immediate calming effect.
  • Use lavender oil in a foot soak to clear the mind.
  • Mist your neck pillow with a little lavender oil.
  • Use an aromatherapy diffuser with lavender oil


  • Apply a few drops of lavender oil mix onto the temples and onto the forehead.
  • Try a lavender neck pillow to reduce neck tension.

Minor cuts and burns:

  • To cool and calm irritated skin, blend 1 – 3 drops of lavender oil with 1 – 2 teaspoons of coconut oil or aloe vera. This mixture will reduce puffiness, tenderness, and redness.
  • For minor cuts, combine 3 – 4 drops of lavender and a few drops of coconut. Then apply the mixture onto the wound with a cotton ball.

Insect bite or bee stings:

  • To quickly reduce itching and swelling, apply one drop of lavender oil diluted in water directly to the area.

Sore muscles:

  • Try a therapeutic rub down by adding lavender to your massage oil.
  • Soak in an Epsom salt bath with lavender oil to relieve aching joints, sore muscles, and backaches.


Peppermint and lavender essential oils are both incredibly versatile and have a wide range of uses. Whether you’re using them to ease stress and anxiety, reduce headache pain, or treat minor cuts and burns, these oils can be incredibly helpful. However, it is important to remember that essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil before use, as they are highly concentrated and can cause skin irritation if not used properly. With that being said, these oils can be a great addition to any natural health routine.


Please remember to use essential oils responsibly and never ingest them unless instructed by your doctor. It is important to note that this content does not replace professional medical advice. If you have questions or concerns about your health, talk to a qualified healthcare provider for more information. It’s always important to stay on top of your physical and mental well-being with the help of a healthcare expert.


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